A. Specific Learning Outcomes. Students will be able to:
- Define food science. Recognize it as multidisciplinary, integrating knowledge from various fields applied to the study of foods. Describe the main areas of specialty, as well as potential careers of food scientists.
- Recognize the main world food problems and their root causes
- Describe food components, with emphasis on proteins, carbohydrates and lipids
- Describe food sensory, and discuss the main food quality attributes as perceived by the senses
- Describe the principal causes of food deterioration; relate to practical examples
- Recognize the role of microorganisms in food fermentations. Select examples to illustrate different types of processes and products
- Explain the role of microorganisms in foodborne diseases, including infections and intoxications.
- Name potential toxicants in foods of animal and plant origin, contaminants, and toxicants formed during food processing
- Define food processing and unit operations. Illustrate with examples of different processes and products
- Recognize and describe various food groups, including meats, dairy, eggs, grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables and discuss their nutritional contribution as food Recognize some compositional and quality changes due to processing
- Define the role of the FDA and USDA in overseeing the U.S. food supply
How this course addresses IFT core Competencies
FST01 is a 3-unit general education course that fulfills student’s requirements for science and engineering and visual literacy. This course is offered once a year by instructor E. Garcia. FST01 introduces basic concepts relating to food composition, food deterioration, food safety, food processing, and meets IFT core competencies in the Food Chemistry, Food Safety and Microbiology, and Food Processing and Engineering sections.
B. Tools used to assess program outcomes.
Bloom’s level I-III
This course develops introductory-level knowledge of food science. Course assessment includes three midterm exams, a final exam and participation in weekly held discussions. The discussion sections are now comprised of groups of 25 students, and conducted by TAs. The instructor organizes the discussion content, and coordinates a weekly preparatory meeting with all TAs, in order to ensure uniformity in the coverage of material among the twelve discussion sections. Pop up quizzes given during discussions are included in the students participation score.
C. Brief summary of assessment results to date.
FST01 is a general education (GE) course that is developed to provide introductory-level food science fundamentals. Fresh and processed food technologies; world food problems; food composition; food microbiological and toxicological safety; food laws; evaluation of acceptability and nutritional value.
This is a large enrollment class (300 students). Each year, students are asked to complete a course evaluation form for the course. The numerical scores using a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) for specific questions as well as verbal comments are compiled. The course and the instructor are evaluated separately. Students are asked to submit their own feedback on the course with suggestions for course and instructor improvement. These students’ assessments are studied carefully and new strategies are developed to deliver the course content in a more effective manner and to continue to improve and focus learning outcomes. Students receive lectures outlines, including a list of readings to expand the information presented in class. Office hours are held at various times to accommodate student scheduling; communication through email is very frequent and expedient to facilitate exchange between the instructor and students.
- Student evaluations are consistently positive.
- Future plans: Conduct discussion sections in a food lab instead of a regular classroom setting. This will allow a few demonstrations, closer contact with the material under study/discussion, leading to an overall improved learning experience.