Stephanie R. Dungan

Stephanie R. Dungan

Stephanie R. Dungan, Ph.D.

Position Title
Professor and Engineer

Food Science and Technology
Chemical Engineering

2202 Robert Mondavi Institute - South

Food Science (1992 - )


Ph. D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992


Dr. Dungan is investigating the properties of amphiphilic molecules (i.e. surfactants, emulsifiers) in solution and at interfaces. Her research is focusing on the way that surfactant interfacial properties control the rate of migration of hydrophobic solutes such as lipids or flavors within food emulsions. The influence of proteins on the self-assembly of amphiphiles into nanostructures such as microemulsions and liquid crystals is also an active area of interest.

Selected Publications

  • Buck, K.K., S.R. Dungan and R.J. Phillips. 2001. The effect of solute concentration on equilibrium partitioning in polymeric gels. Journal Colloid Interface Science 234:400-409.
  • Rohloff, C.M., J.W. Shimek and S.R. Dungan. 2003. Effect of added a-lactalbumin protein on the phase behavior of AOT-brine-isooctane systems. Journal Colloid Interface Science  261(2):514-523.
  • Dungan, S.R., B.H. Tai and N.I. Gerhardt. 2003. Transport mechanisms in the micellar solubilization of alkanes in oil-in-water emulsions. Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochemical Engineering Aspects 216(1-3):149-166.
  • D'Avila, M.A., N.C. Shapley, J.H. Walton, S.R. Dungan, R.J. Phillips and R.L. Powell. 2003. Mixing of concentrated oil-in-water emulsions measured by nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. Physics of Fluids 15(9):2499-2511.
  • Shimek, J.W., C.M. Rohloff, J. Goldberg and S.R. Dungan. 2005. Effect of alpha–lactalbumin on the phase behavior of AOT-brine-isooctane mixtures: Role of charge interactions. Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California, Davis, CA, USA. Langmuir 21(13):5931-5939.

Extension of Knowledge Activities 

Awards and Honors

1993: National Science Foundation - Presidential Young Investigator, 1993-1998

1994: Proctor and Gamble - Young Investigator Award

1998: UC Davis Chemical Engineering - Outstanding Teacher Award

2004: Food Engineering, 2004 AIChE Meeting - Plenary Lecturer

2005: CNRS, Orsay, France - Poste Rouge

2006: CNRS, Orsay, France - Poste Rouge