Selina Wang, Ph.D.
Position Title
Department Vice-Chair; Associate Professor of Cooperative Extension in Small Scale Fruit & Vegetable Processing
Food Science and Technology
- (530) 752-5018
- scwang@ucdavis.edu
- Wang Laboratory Website
- UC Food Quality
- Google Scholar
- ResearchGate
Food Science (2018 - )
Ph.D., Physical Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Davis, 2008
B.A., Department of Chemistry, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2003
Dr. Wang’s research program focuses on chemical quality, purity, and nutrition parameters that occur during fruit and vegetable post-harvesting, processing and storage. The Wang lab works on (1) identifying the important chemical markers that are important for quality, purity and nutrition in food products; (2) developing robust (faster and cheaper) detection methods so they can be easily adopted by industries; and (3) modifying processing methods to improve quality, purity and nutrition.
Selected Publications
- Polari, J. J.; Garci-Aguirre, D.; Olmo-Garcia L.; Carrasco-Pancorbo, A. Wang, S. C. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 2018, 180097: “Interactions Between Hammer Mill Crushing Variables and Malaxation Time During Continuous Olive Oil Extraction”
- Olmo-Garcia, L.; Polari J. J.; Li, X.; Bajoub, A.; Fernandez-Gutiereez, A.; Wang, S. C.; Carrasco-Pancorbo, A. Food Chem. 2018, 261, 184-193: “Deep Insight into the Minor Fraction of Virgin Olive Oil by Using LC-MS and GC-MS Multi-class Methodologies”
- Li, X.; Wang, S. C. Journal of Food Quality 2018, 1-15: “Shelf Life of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Its Prediction Models”
- Crawford, L. M; Holstege, D. M.; Wang, S. C. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2018, 66, 136-144: “High-throughput Extraction Method for Phenolic Compounds in Olive Fruit (Olea europaea)”
- Polari, J. J.; Garci-Aguirre, D.; Olmo-Garcia L.; Carrasco-Pancorbo, A. Wang, S. C. Food Chem., 2017, 242, 362-368: “Impact of Industrial Hammer Mill Rotor Speed on Extraction Efficiency and Quality of Extra Virgin Olive Oil”
- Agrawal, K.; Melliou, E.; Li, X.; Pedersen, T. L.; Wang, S. C.; Magiatis, P.; Newman, J. W.; Holt, R. R. J. Funct. Foods 2017, 36, 84-93: “The Ratio of Oleocanthal to Oleacein in Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) Determines Acute Anti-platelet Effects in Responsive Healthy Men”
- Tang, S.; Avena-Bustillos, R. d. J.; Lear, M.; Sedej, I.; Holstege, D. M.; Friedman, M.; McHugh, T. H.; Wang, S. C. J. Food Eng. 2016: “Evaluation of Thermal Processing Variables for Reducing Acrylamide in Canned Black Ripe Olives”
- Sedej, I.; Milczarek, R.; Wang, S. C.; Sheng, R.; Avena-Bustillos, R. J.; Dao, L.; Takeoka, G. I. J. Food Sci. Tech. 2016: “Spray Drying of a Phenolic-rich Membrane Filtration Fraction of Olive Mill Wastewater: Optimization and Dried Product Quality”
- Sedej, I.; Milczarek, R.; Wang, S. C.; Sheng, R.; Avena-Bustillos, R. d. J.; Dao, L.; Takeoka, G. J. Food Sci. 2016, 81, E889-E896: “Membrane-Filtered Olive Mill Wastewater: Quality Assessment of the Dried Phenolic-Rich Fraction”
- Tena, N.; Wang, S. C.; Aparicio-Ruiz R.; Garcia-González, D. L.; Aparicio, R. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2015, 63(18), 4509-4526: “An In-Depth Assessment of Analytical Methods for Olive Oil Purity, Safety and Quality Characterization”
- Li, X.; Woodman, M.; Wang, S. C. J. Sep. Science 2015, 38(16), 2813-2818: “High-performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection for the Rapid Analysis of Pheophytins and Pryopheophytins in Virgin Olive Oil”
Extension of Knowledge Activities
Dr. Wang works with fruit and vegetable growers, food producers, processors, consumers, and representatives from State and Federal Government on issues related to food quality, purity and nutrition via short courses, presentations, and one-on-one personal/electronic interactions.