Jiexin (Jessie) Liang

Jiexin (Jessie) Liang

Jiexin (Jessie) Liang

Position Title
Graduate Student, Ph.D.

Food Science and Technology


Degree Pursuing:



B.S. Chemical Engineering, UC Davis

Research Advisor:

William Ristenpart


Jessie’s research project focuses on coffee brewing from the perspectives of mass transfer and extraction. She previously received her B.S. in chemical engineering also from UC Davis, where she discovered her passion in coffee, which led her to coffee research at the Coffee Center. She also involves in the specialty coffee industry by applying her background in a coffee quality project at Peet’s Roastery; and she gave a talk about her research at the SCA Sensory Summit 2020. In the future, Jessie hopes to continue into the coffee industry where she will get to apply, explore and continue to learn in the coffee world!