Jaqueline O. De Moraes, Ph.D.
Position Title
Associate Specialist, L. Wang Lab
Food Science and Technology
Ph.D., Food Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
M.S., Food Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
B.S in Food Engineering, Federal University Foundation of Rio Grande, Brazil
Technician in data processing, Industrial Technical College Professor Mário Alquáti, Brazil
Jaqueline O. de Moraes is a Food Engineer with a Ph.D. from the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil, where she also earned her M.S. degree. Her research focuses on developing biodegradable films, innovative drying techniques, and food safety solutions to mitigate foodborne pathogens. Dr. de Moraes previously worked as a Research and Development Coordinator at a food industry, where she drove supplement product innovation and ensured safety. Her postdoctoral research at Cornell University and Alicon Co. explored non-thermal methods and industrial scaling. Her current research as an Associate Specialist at Harris and Luxin Wang’s labs includes understanding pathogen survival in low-water-activity foods and applying new techniques to mitigate their survival. Beyond research, Dr. de Moraes is actively involved in extension work, teaching, mentoring, and consulting.