Edwin N. Frankel, Ph.D.
Position Title
Adjunct Professor Emeritus
Food Science and Technology
Food Science 1989-2008
Ph. D. University of California at Davis, 1956
Professor Frankel specialized in lipid oxidation and antioxidants in foods and biological systems. His research included lipid oxidation in foods, vegetable oil and fish oils. He also conducted research on foods and biological antioxidants which include phenolic compounds in wine, fruits, spices and beverages. In addition, he conducted research on the oxidative stability of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, testing activity of natural antioxidants in food emulsions and biological systems and studying interactions of sugar, proteins and lipids affecting quality and safety of foods and biological activity.
Selected Publications
- Frankel, E.N., J. Kanner, J.B. German, E. Parks and J.E. Kinsella. 1993. Inhibition of in vitro oxidation of human low-density lipoprotein with phenolic substances in red wine. The Lancet 341:454-457.
- Frankel, E.N., S.W. Huang, J. Kanner and J.B. German. 1994. Interfacial phenomena in the evaluation of antioxidants: Bulk oils versus emulsions. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 42:1054-1059.
- Frankel, E.N. and A.S. Meyer. 2000. The problems of using one-dimensional methods to evaluate multifunctional food and biological antioxidants. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 80:1925-1941.
- Frankel, E.N., T. Satué-Gracia, A.S. Meyer and J.B. German. 2002. Oxidative stability of fish and algae oils containing long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in bulk and in oil-in-water emulsions. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 50:2094-2099.
- Frankel, E.N. 2005. Lipid Oxidation, Second Edition, The Oily Press, Bridgwater, England.
Awards and Honors
- Research award for outstanding research in the field of wine and medicine, The Society of Medical Friends of Wine, San Francisco, 1994
- Kaufmann memorial lecturer, International Society for Fat Research, 21st World Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1995
- American Oil Chemists' Society Fellow Award, 1998
- American Oil Chemists' Society S. S. Chang Award, 1999
- Cited for high-impact agricultural research by the Institute for Scientific Information as "second most-cited author of the 1990s in agricultural science, 2000
- The Lewkowitsch Lecturer, Society of Chemical Industry, Cambridge University, UK, 2002
- Ranked number 1 in the Top 10 Researchers in Agriculture by The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), 2003 - 2005
- Vesel& Medal Award for the Development of Fats & Oil Science and Technology, from the Czech Chemical Society, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005
- A Symposium in Honor of Dr. Edwin Frankel: “Fifty Years of Lipid Oxidation Research,” American Oil Chemists’ Society Annual meeting, St. Louis, Mo, 2006
Extension of Knowledge Activities
- FST 201 - Food Chemistry: lipid chemistry and technology, flavor chemistry, flavonoids
- Short Course on Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants, American Oil Chemists’ Society
Research Interests
- Lipid oxidation and antioxidants in foods and biological systems.
- Lipid oxidation and stability of fats and oils. Methods to evaluate effective ways to improve oxidative stability, and the nutritional and safety of foods containing polyunsaturated lipids including fish and algae oils.
- Antioxidants in foods and biology. Food and natural antioxidants in bulk oil and emulsion systems. Lipid peroxidation in biological systems. Oxidation of human low-density lipoprotein and its inhibition by antioxidants.
- Chemistry of extra virgin olive oil. Methods to evaluate quality and adulteration
Curriculum Vitae
1947-1950 B.S. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
1950-1952 M.S. University of California, Davis, California
1952-1956 Ph.D. University of California, Davis, California
1956 - 1960: Research Chemist, Northern Regional Research Center, U.S.D.A., Peoria, Illinois.
1960 - 1962: Group Leader, Procter & Gamble Co., Food Products Division, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1962 - 1976: Project Leader, Northern Regional Research Center, U.S.D.A., Peoria, Illinois.
1976 - 1989: Research Leader/Lead Scientist, Northern Regional Research Center, U.S.D.A., Peoria, Illinois.
1989-present: Adjunct Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California, Davis.
1966 - 1967 Technion Research Fellowship, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
1975 - 1976 Senior Visiting Research Fellowship, Science Research Council of England, Queen Mary College, University of London, England.
1988 - 1989 Visiting Chemist, University of California, Davis, California
1978, 1981: *USDA Superior Service Award and Certificate of Merit
1985: *Alton E. Bailey Award, American Oil Chemists' Society
'85,89,91,92, 93, 94, 96, 98:
*American Oil Chemists' Society Award for outstanding paper presentations.
1990: *International lecturer, Society of Chemical Industry, London, England.
1992: *Keynote speaker, Finnish Chemical Congress, Helsinki, Finland.
1994: *Research award for outstanding research in the field of wine and medicine, The Society of Medical Friends of Wine, San Francisco.
1995: *Kaufmann memorial lecturer, International Society for Fat Research, 21st World Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands.
1998: * American Oil Chemists= Society Fellow Award.
1999: * American Oil Chemists= Society S. S. Chang Award.
1999: * Keynote lecturer, Lipid Forum, Kolding, Denmark.
2000: * Cited for high-impact agricultural research by the Institute for Scientific Information as “2nd most-cited author of the 1990s in agricultural science.”
2002: * Lewkowitsch Lecturer, Society of Chemical Industry, UK.
2003-4: * Ranked first as the most-cited author in agricultural science by the Institute for Scientific Information, Thomson Corp, Philadelphia, PA
2005-6: * Ranked third most-cited author in agricultural science by the Institute for Scientific Information, Thomson Corp, Philadelphia, PA
2006: * Veselý award, Czech Chemical Society, Fats and Oils, Euro-Fed Congress, Prague, Czech Republic.
2006: * “Symposium in honor of Professor Edwin Frankel, celebrating 50 years of lipid oxidation research” (http://www.aocs.org/meetings/annual_mtg).
2006 * The “Edwin Frankel” Best Paper Award for yearly publications in Lipids and JAOCS, sponsored by the AOCS Lipid Oxidation and Quality Section.
2007: * AOCS Supelco/Pelick award in Lipid Chemistry, International Congress of the AOCS, ISF, and Japan Oil Chemists Society, in Quebec City, Canada.
PUBLICATIONS: 272, including 8 patents, 20 book chapters, and two books on Lipid Oxidation (1st ed. 1998, 2nd ed 2005), and one book on Antioxidants in Food and Biology. Facts and Fiction. 2007, The Oily Press, Bridgwater, England.
Highly cited papers (Institute for Scientific Information Web of Knowledge) (6/20/2008)
Cited 1012 times:
Frankel, E.N., Kanner, J., German, J. B., Parks, E., Kinsella, J. E. Inhibition of Oxidation of Human Low-density Lipoprotein by Phenolic Substances in Red Wine. Lancet 341: 454-457.1993.
Cited 421 times:
Frankel, E.N., Waterhouse, A. L., Teissedre, P. L. Principal Phenolic Phytochemicals in Selected California Wines and their Antioxidant Activity in Inhibiting Oxidation of Human Low Density Lipoproteins. J. Agric. Food Chem. 43:890-894. 1995.
Cited 244 times:
Kanner, J., Frankel, E.N., Granit, R., German, B., Kinsella, J.E. Natural Antioxidants in Grapes and Wines. J. Agric. Food Chem. 42: 64-69. 1994.
Cited 218 times:
Kinsella, J.E., Frankel, E.N., German, B., Kanner, J. Possible Mechanisms for the Protective Role of Antioxidants in Wine and Plant Foods. Food Technology 85-89. April 1993.
Cited 208 times:
Frankel, E.N., Huang, S-W., Kanner, J., German, J.B. Interfacial Phenomena in the Evaluation of Antioxidants: Bulk Oils versus Emulsions. J. Agric. Food Chem. 42: 1054-1059. 1994.
Cited 185 times:
Frankel, E.N. Recent Advances in Lipid Oxidation. J. Sci. Food Agric. 54:495-511. 1991
Cited 178 times:
Frankel, E.N., Meyer, A.S. The Problems of Using One-Dimensional Methods to Evaluate Multifunctional Food and Biological Antioxidants. J. Sci. Food Agric. 80: 1925-1941. 2000.
Cited 164 times:
Heinonen, I. M., Meyer, A.S., Frankel, E.N. Antioxidant Activity of Berry Phenolic Compounds on Human Low-density Lipoprotein and Liposome Oxidation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 46: 4107-4112. 1998.
Cited 144 times:
Frankel , E.N., Huang, S-W., Aeschbach, R., Prior, E. Antioxidant Activity of a Rosemary Extract and its Constituents, Carnosic Acid, Carnosol and Rosmarinic Acid in Bulk Oil and Oil-in-Water Emulsion. J. Agric. Food Chem. 44:131-135. 1996.
Publications: 1998-2010
- Frankel, E. N., Bosanek, C. A., Meyer, A. S., Silliman, K. and Kirks, L. L. Commercial Grape Juices Inhibit the In Vitro Oxidation of Human Low-density Lipoproteins. J. Agric. Food Chem. 46: 834-838. 1998.
- Meyer, A.S., Heinonen, M. and Frankel, E.N. Antioxidant Interactions of Catechin, Cyanidin, Caffeic Acid, Quercetin, and Ellagic Acid on Human LDL Oxidation. Food Chem. 61: 71-75. 1998.
- Heinonen, M., Rein, D., Satué-Gracia, M.T., Huang, S-W., German, J.B. and Frankel, E.N. Effect of Protein on the Antioxidant Activity of Phenolic Compound in a Lecithin-Liposome Oxidation System. J. Agric. Food Chem. 46: 917-922. 1998.
- Meyer, A.S., Donovan, J. L., Pearson, D. A., Waterhouse, A. L. and Frankel, E.N. Fruit Hydoxycinnamic Acids Inhibit Human Low-density Lipoprotein Oxidation In Vitro. J. Agric. Food Chem. 46: 1783-1787. 1998.
- Pearson, D.A., Frankel, E.N., Aeschbach, R. and German, J.B. Inhibition of Endothelial Cell Mediated Low-density Lipoprotein Oxidation by Green Tea Extracts. J. Agric. Food Chem. 46: 1445-1449. 1998.
- Frankel, E. N. and Meyer, A. S. Antioxidants in Grapes and Grape Juices and their Potential Health Effects. Pharmaceutical Biology 36: 1-7 (1998).
- Heinonen, I. M., Meyer, A.S. and Frankel, E.N. Antioxidant Activity of Berry Phenolic Compounds on Human Low-density Lipoprotein and Liposome Oxidation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 46: 4107-4112. 1998
- Frankel, E.N. “Lipid oxidation” The Oily Press, Dundee, UK. (1998). (see Books)
- Frankel, E. N. Antioxidant Activity by Headspace Gas Chromatography of Volatile Oxidation Products of ω-6 and ω-3 Polyunsaturated Lipids. Methods in Enzymology 299 (Part A): 190-201. 1999.
- Huang, S-W., Satué-Gracia, M.T., Frankel, E.N., German, J.B. Effect of Lactoferrin on Oxidative Stability of Emulsions and Liposomes. J. Agric. Food Chem. 47: 1356-1361. 1999.
- Satué-Gracia, M.T., André-Lacueva, C., Lamuela-Raventós, R.M., Frankel, E.N. Spanish Sparkling Wines (Cavas) as Inhibitors of in vitro Human LDL Oxidation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 47: 2198-2202. 1999.
- Frankel, E.N. Antioxidants and Hydroperoxides: from Soybean Oil to Red Wine. Inform 10 (9): 889-896. 1999.
- Frankel, E.N. Food Antioxidants and Phytochemicals: Present and Future Perspectives. Fett/Lipid 101: 450-455. 1999.
- Chang, S., Tan, C., Frankel, E.N., Barrett, D.M. Low Density Lipoprotein Antioxidant Activity of Phenolic Compounds and Polyphenol Oxidase Activity in Selected Clingstone Peach Cultivars. J. Agric. Food Chem. 48: 147-151. 2000.
- Frankel, E.N., Meyer, A.S. The Problems of Using One-Dimensional Methods to Evaluate Multifunctional Food and Biological Antioxidants. J. Sci. Food Agric. 80: 1925-1941. 2000.
- Schwarz, K., Shu-Wen Huang, S-W., German, J.B., Tiersch, B., Hartmann, J., Frankel, E.N. Activities of Antioxidants are Affected by Colloidal Properties in Oil-in-Water, Water-in-Oil Emulsions and Bulk Oils. J. Agric. Food Chem. 48: 4874-4882. 2000.
- Satué-Gracia, M.T., Frankel, E.N., Rangavajhyala, N., German, J.B. Lactoferrin in Infant Formulas: Effect on Oxidation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 48: 4998-4990. 2000.
- Sánchez-Moreno, C., Satué-Gracia, M.T., Frankel, E.N. Antioxidant Activity of Selected Spanish Wines in Corn Oil Emulsions. J. Agric. Food Chem. 48: 5581-5587. 2000.
- Meyer, A.S., Frankel, E.N. Antioxidant Activity of Hydroxycinnamic Acids on Human Low-Density Lipoprotein Oxidation. Methods in Enzymology 335: 256-265. 2001.
- Frankel, E.N. Interfacial Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidation. J. Oleo Science 50: 387-391. 2001.
- Frankel, E.N., Satué-Gracia, M.T., Meyer, A.S., German, J.B. Oxidative Stability of Fish and Algae Oils Containing Long-chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Bulk and in Oil-in-Water Emulsions. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50: 2094-2099. 2002.
- Medina, I., Tombo, I., Satué-Gracia, M.T., German, J.B., Frankel, E.N. Effects of Natural Phenolic Compounds on the Antioxidant Activity of Lactoferrin in Liposomes and Oil-in-Water Emulsions. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50: 2392-2399. 2002.
- Let, M. B., Jacobsen, C., Frankel, E. N., Meyer, A. S. Oxidative Flavour Deterioration of Fish Oil Enriched Milk. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 105: 518-528. 2003.
- Frankel, E.N. “Lipid oxidation” Second Edition, The Oily Press, Bridgwater, England, 470 pp, 2005. (See Books)
- Frankel, E.N. and German, J.B. Perspective. Antioxidants in Foods and Health: Problems and Fallacies in the Field. J. Sci. Food Agric. 86: 1999-2001. 2006.
- Frankel, Edwin. Are Antioxidants Nutritionally Important? Inform 17(3): 182-184. 2006.
- Frankel, E.N. “Antioxidants in Food and Biology, Facts and Fiction,” The Oily Press, Bridgwater, England, 254 pp, 2007. (See Books)
- Frankel, E. N. The Lipovore’s Challenge to Food Scientists. Nutritional Guidelines on Edible Fats. Inform 18(7): 469-472. 2007.
- Frankel, E. N. The Lipovore’s Challenge to Food Scientists. Effects of Antioxidants. Inform 18(8): 564-566. 2007.
- Frankel, E. N. and Finley, J. W. How to Standardize the Multiplicity of Methods to Evaluate Natural Antioxidants. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56: 4901-4908. 2008.
- Frankel, E. N. Chemistry of Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Adulteration, Oxidative Stability, and Antioxidants. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 5991–6006. 2010
Written by Edwin N. Frankel, University of California, USA, Published 1998, 303 pages
Written by Edwin N. Frankel, University of California, USA, Published 2005. 486 pages
Written by Edwin N. Frankel, University of California, USA, Published 2007. 266 pages.
Published by The Oily Press, PJ Barnes & Associates, PO Box 200, Bridgwater TA7 OYZ, England, last known web address: http://www.pjbarnes.co.uk/op/aox.htm
Book review of “Lipid Oxidation, second edition”:
Dr Neil MacFarlane, DSM Nutritional Products, Heanor, UK, in Lipid Technology, 2005, Vol.17, pp.165–166.
“Perhaps the most important aspect of this book is the sheer breadth and expertise of coverage of lipid oxidation. There is something here for everyone working in the lipid field. While departmental libraries should contain this volume, it should also be available in the lab and on the desk for immediate reference.”
Book reviews of “Antioxidants in Food and Biology”:
Professor Jan Pokorny, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2007, Vol.109, No.10, p.1045.
Professor Frankel … has now published a logical continuation of his previous work - a monograph on lipid antioxidants… The book offers excellent information to food scientists, biologists, researchers, medical experts, teachers and advanced students.
Dr William E. Artz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA, Inform 2007, Vol. 18, No. 8, p. 557.
“This is a well written and informative text by one of the top investigators in the field of food lipid oxidation. It would be a nice addition to any food scientist's library, especially those scientists with a substantial interest in lipid oxidation.”
Dr Neil Macfarlane, DSM Nutritional Products, Kaiseraugst, Switzerland, Lipid Technology, 2007, Vol.19, p.266.
“Professor Frankel puts over 50 years of his lipid expertise on the table and draws up a comprehensive list of questions, which are as yet unanswered. He provides his thoughts on how these questions might be approached for future solution.”
Food Science & Technology 100C: FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY & TECHNOLOGY
Food Science & Technology 298: LIPID OXIDATION
Food Science & Technology 201: FOOD CHEMISTRY
Food Science & Technology 211 (2 Guest lectures): LIPID OXIDATION IN BIOLOGY
AOCS Short Courses, Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants:
Orlando, FL, May 6-8, 1999;
Minneapolis, MN, May 11-12, 2001;
Kansas City, KS, May 2-3, 2003;
European section: Cork, Ireland, October 2-3, 2004;
Salt Lake City, UT, April 29-30, 2005;
Australasian section, Werribee, Australia, Biennial Meeting of Food Science Australia, November 1st, 2006;
Quebec City, QC, Canada, May 12-13, 2007;
Seattle, WA, May 17-18, 2008;
Orlando, FL, May 2-3, 2009;
Australasian section, World & ISF Congress, Sydney, Australia, September 26-27, 2009
Intensive Short Course, Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants, Biotechnological Institute, Kolding, Denmark, June 12-13, 1999
Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants Training Course, Society of Chemical Industry, Oils and Fats Group, Cambridge University,Cambridge, UK, April 12-13, 2002.
IFT Short Courses:
Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants in Foods, Las Vegas, NV, July 11-12, 2004;
The No Trans Fat Challenge: Replacing Current Oils, Newark, NJ, April 10, 2007
Lipid Forum Academy, Introduction Course in Lipid Science & Technology, Chalmers
University, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 12-16, 2007
Essential Science Indicator Feature
Published by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) , Philadelphia, PA
Dr. Edwin Frankel of the University of California at Davis discusses his highly cited work on lipid oxidation and antioxidants in both an interview and an essay. In our analysis of high-impact agricultural research, 13 of Dr. Frankel's papers were cited a total of 586 times, placing him among the 2 most-cited scientists of the 1990s in this field. Another of his highly cited papers is "Inhibition of oxidation of human low-density-lipoprotein by phenolic substances in red wine," (Lancet, 3418443:454-7, 20 February 1993). Because Lancet is not categorized by ISI as an agricultural journal, this paper was not included in our analysis of the field, but ISI's Web of Science© indicates that this paper has been cited 498 times* to date.
*Note: The 2008 list of highly cited papers from ISI indicates a citation of 1012 times.
“ISI In-cites” published an editorial: "An Interview with Dr. Edwin Frankel".
Interfacial Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants.
“The subject of natural antioxidants continues to captivate the interest of food and biomedical scientists, because of the reports that diets rich in plant antioxidants derived from fruits and vegetables are associated with lower risks of coronary heart disease and cancer. The public is also catching on to the possible health promoting effects of antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. However, there is much confusion among food and nutrition scientists about the potential health effects of antioxidants in our diet.
We found that the activity of antioxidants in model food systems was significantly influenced by different lipid substrates according to their hydrophilic or lipophilic character. For example, a-tocopherol and ascorbyl palmitate are lipophilic antioxidants that behaved quite differently from Trolox (a carboxylic acid analog of a-tocopherol) and ascorbic acid, which are hydrophilic. In bulk corn oil triglycerides, Trolox and ascorbic acid were better antioxidants thana-tocopherol and ascorbyl palmitate, but the opposite trend was observed in the corresponding oil-in-water emulsions. The physical states of lipid systems affect the distribution of antioxidants and influence their activity. Lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidants exhibit complex interfacial properties between air-oil and oil-water interfaces that significantly affect their relative activities in different lipid systems. These studies led us to define the novel concept of "Interfacial Oxidation," which affects the stability of a large number of multi-phase foods and biological systems. Interfacial oxidation involves the interactions of antioxidants and prooxidants distributed in different compartments of colloidal systems.
My basic antioxidant studies at the University of California at Davis led us to a fertile field of research with plant phenolic antioxidants and phytochemicals. For many years, natural phenolic compounds have been known to be effective antioxidants in model food systems. By actively evaluating the effects of natural antioxidants in foods we developed more reliable testing methods for measuring lipid oxidation in foods. We were thus able to extend our research to evaluate the activity in inhibiting oxidation of various biological lipid systems, including human low-density lipoproteins (LDL), which are implicated in the initiation and development of atherosclerosis.
We were intrigued by the epidemiological studies on the French Paradox correlating the unusual low rate of mortality in certain parts of France with consumption of wine. This paradox sent many research teams looking for the health benefits of alcohol. In our laboratory at UC Davis we were all set up to test a hypothesis that perhaps all the speculation about the health effects of wine may have little or nothing to do with alcohol, and may be mainly due to the polyphenolic compounds present in relatively high levels in wine, especially in red wine. From our experience with polyphenolic antioxidants in foods, we expected the corresponding polyphenolic compounds in red wine to be active antioxidants in inhibiting lipid oxidation in LDL. By developing and using a very sensitive test to measure lipid oxidation, we observed a significant decrease in oxidation when wine phenolics were added to human LDL. We tested the antioxidant activity of 20 different California wines, which showed a wide range of total phenolic compounds. The antioxidant activity of these wines in inhibiting LDL oxidation in vitro correlated well with their total phenolic contents and the principal phenolic components.
We also found that flavonoids in commercial white and red grape juices significantly inhibited the oxidation of LDL, as well as in extracts of rosemary, green tea, berries, and peaches. Therefore, grape extracts and juices, especially red grape juices, many fruits and green tea provide significant sources of flavonoid antioxidants that like wine may have potential beneficial health effects in protecting against atherosclerosis and other degenerative human diseases. They represent a positive potential in our diet that requires further research to improve our understanding of their mechanism of action.
I believe that food and nutrition scientists have to be concerned about the nutritional value of plant flavonoid compounds because we consume them in substantial amounts in our diet. Our research on wine antioxidants led to a sudden increase in the number of publications and industrial developments exploiting the potential nutritional benefits of phytochemicals and natural antioxidants. Unfortunately, several recent studies on natural phytochemical compounds produced conflicting results on their antioxidant activities because of the wide and diverse methodologies used to evaluate them. There is a great need to standardize antioxidant testing using more specific methodology to minimize the present chaos in the literature.”
UCDavis – News & Information (February 14, 2002)
UC Davis Leads the Nation for Ag and Environmental Publications, Citations
…. “In a decade-survey, UC Davis researchers also led the nation in agricultural sciences citations. From 1991 to June 2001, 1520 papers published by UC Davis researchers were referenced in 10,602 other journal articles. Following UC Davis in the agricultural sciences were the University of Wisconsin and Cornell University.
In this 10-year survey, three UC Davis food scientists were ranked among the top 20 most referenced of more than 1500 agricultural science researchers. They are Edwin Frankel, second; Bruce German, 16th; and the late John Kinsella, 17th.
Quoting Dean Neal Van Alfen, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences: “This reaffirms our belief that research in the college and elsewhere on campus has impact and is a good investment in advancing the frontiers of knowledge.”
Media contact(s): Pat Bailey, (530) 752-9843, pjbailey@ucdavis.edu