Charles W. Bamforth

Charles W. Bamforth

Charles W. Bamforth, Ph.D.

Position Title
Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Food Science and Technology


Food Science (1999-2018)

Professor Bamforth retired in 2018.

Department Chair (2005-2008)


Ph. D. University of Hull, 1977, D. Sc. University of Hull, 1993 


Dr. Bamforth specialized in the science of malting and brewing. His research program focused primarily on the wholesomeness of beer, including studies on the psychophysics of beer perception, on polyphenols and on the residues from non-starchy polysaccharide digestion that constitute soluble fiber and potential prebiotics in beer. Research in the laboratory also embraced the enzymology of the brewing process, foam stability, preventing oxidation in wort and beer and alternative paradigms for beer production.

Extension of Knowledge Activities 

  • Short courses (classroom and on-line) on brewing provided through the UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education (Brewing | UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education)
  • International Brewing Courses in China, India, South Africa, South America, United Kingdom and Australia

More information and publications for Dr. Bamforth

Awards and Honors

2010: Master Brewers Association of the Americas - Presidential Award

2011: American Society of Brewing Chemists - Award of Distinction

2013: UC Davis Extension - Outstanding Service Award

2015: Heriot-Watt University - Honorary D.Sc.

2016: UC Davis Foundation - Lifetime Faculty Stewardship Award

2018: UC Davis College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences - Award of Distinction

2018: Brewer's Association - Recognition Award

2018: Institute of Brewing & Distilling - The Horace Brown Medal

2018: Master Brewers Association of the Americas - Award of Honor

2019: American Society of Brewing Chemists - Charles Bamforth Student Travel Award

2020: World's Top 2% Scientists - World's Top 2% Scientists

2021: World's Top 2% Scientists - World's Top 2% Scientists

2022: World's Top 2% Scientists - World's Top 2% Scientists

2023: Brewers Cup of California - Craft Beer Pioneer

2023: World's Top 2% Scientists - World's Top 2% Scientists

2024: World's Top 2% Scientists - World's Top 2% Scientists