Carl K. Winter, Ph.D.
Position Title
Specialist in Cooperative Extension Emeritus
Food Science and Technology
Food Science (1991-2019)
Professor Winter retired in July of 2019.
Ph. D. University of California at Davis, 1987
Dr. Winter researched the detection of pesticides and naturally-occurring toxins in foods, how to assess their risks and identify how to use the science in the regulatory decision-making process. His most recent work included looking at the relationships between crop production systems and naturally-occurring toxins. He also studied how to improve educational activities through incorporation of music into food safety curricula.
Selected Publications
- Winter, C.K., Burns, C., and Savage, S. 2019. Interpreting Pesticide Residues in Food. CAST (Council for Agricultural Science and Technology) Issue Paper 66, 16 pp. CAST, Ames, IA.
- Jara, E.A. and Winter, C.K. 2019. Safety levels for organophosphate pesticide residues on fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Int. J. Food Contamination 6, 6 (2019 doi:10.1186/s40550-019-0076-7)
- Everstine, K., Abt, E., McColl, D., Popping, B., Morrison-Rowe, S., Lane, R., Scimeca, J., Winter, C.K., Ebert, A., Moore, J. and Chin, H. 2018. Development of a Hazard Classification Scheme for Substances Used in the Fraudulent Adulteration of Foods. Journal of Food Protection: 81(1): 31-36.
- Winter, C.K. 2016. Presenting food science effectively. Journal of Food Science Education 15: 34-41.
- Winter, C.K. and Jara, E.A. 2015. Pesticide food safety standards as companions to tolerances and maximum residue limits. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(11): 2358-2364.
- Winter, C.K. 2015. Chronic dietary exposure to pesticide residues in the United States. International Journal of Food Contamination, doi:10.1186/s40550-015-0018-y.
- Clark, S. and Winter, C.K. 2015. Diacetyl in Foods: A Review of Safety and Sensory Characteristics. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 14: 634-643.
- Winter, C.K., E.A. Jara, and J.R. Coughlin. 2015. Addressing and understanding arsenic exposure. Food Technology 69: 44-48.
- Jara, E.A. and C.K. Winter. 2014. Dietary exposure to total and inorganic arsenic in the United States, 2006-2008. Int. J. Food Contam. doi:10.1186/s40550-014-0003-x.
- Katz, J.M., M.R. LaFrano., Winter, C.K., and B.J. Burri. 2013. Modelling potential B-Carotene intake and cyanide exposure from consumption of biofortified cassava. J. Nutritional Science 2:1-8.
- Winter, C.K. 2013. Pesticide biomonitoring: Applications and limitations for food safety risk assessment. New Food 16: 42-46.
- Winter, C.K. 2012. Pesticide residues in imported, organic, and "suspect" fruits and vegetables. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60: 4425-4429.
- Katz, J.M., C.K. Winter, S. Buttrey, and J.G. Fadel. 2012. Comparison of acrylamide intake from Western and guideline based diets using probabilistic techniques and linear programming. Food and Chemical Toxicology 50: 877-883.
- Lambertini, E., M.D. Danyluk, D.W. Schaffner, C.K. Winter, and L.J. Harris. 2012. Risk of salmonellosis from consumption of almonds in the North American market. Food Research International 45: 1166-1174.
- Winter, C.K. 2012. Pesticides in food. IN: Schrenk, D., ed. Chemical Contaminants and Residues in Foods. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, England.
- Winter, C.K. and J.M. Katz. 2011. Dietary exposure to pesticide residues from commodities alleged to contain the highest contamination levels. Journal of Toxicology. doi: 10.1155/2011/589674.
- Winter, C.K. 2011. Filling My Plate with fear. Food Technology. November, p. 92.
- Winter, C.K. 2011. Food safety - other contaminants. IN: B.L. Caballero, L. Allen and A. Prentice (eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition 2nd Ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Extension of Knowledge Activities
- University Extension - Future of Pesticides
- University Extension - Health Effects of Hazardous Materials
- FST 290/291 - Advanced Seminar
You can watch some of Dr. Winter's food safety music videos on YouTube here