Nina G. Parkinson
Position Title
Director, UC Laboratory for Research in Food Preservation
Food Science & Technology
Nina Parkinson has served as the Director of the UCLRFP since 2012.
The UCLRFP is funded through the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Food and Drug Branch, which is responsible for administering state regulations related to processing of low acid and acidified low acid canned foods. The CDPH has contracted with the University of California’s Board of Regents to operate the UCLRFP. The laboratory is responsible for making recommendations regarding official sterilization processes for all low acid and acidified low acid canned foods regulated by the California Department of Public Health. It examines and evaluates official samples of restrained material and makes recommendations to CDPH as to their ultimate disposition. It conducts training courses, develops procedures for proper operation of thermal processing equipment, and conducts research as new problems arise.
You can read more about the history of the UCLRFP here, at the bottom of the page: https://foodscience.ucdavis.edu/about/history