R. Paul Singh

R. Paul Singh

Paul Singh, Ph.D.

Position Title
Distinguished Professor and Engineer Emeritus

Food Science and Technology


Food Science (1975-2014)

Professor Singh retired in July of 2014.

Professor Singh used computer-aided modeling in his research of heat and mass transfer in foods during drying, thermal processing, immersion frying, air-impingement processing, freezing and frozen storage. He also studied food breakdown during digestion using computational fluid dynamics, in vitro and in vivo systems. This research was aimed at  understanding the role of food material properties and designing future foods for health.


Awards and Honors

1980: UC Davis-ASAE Student Branch - Instructor of the Year

1981: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers - Two Honorable Mention Paper Awards

1982: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers - First Place Paper Award

1982: Institute of Food Technologists - Samuel Cate Prescott Award

1986: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers - A.W. Farrall Young Educator Award

1987: European Union - NATO - NATO Senior Guest Lecturer - 1987, 1993

1988: Institute of Food Technologists - IFT International Award

1989: Punjab Agricultural University, India - Distinguished Alumnus Award

1997: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and International Food Equipment Suppliers Association - Distinguished Food Engineer Award

2000: Institute of Food Technologists - Fellow

2000: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers - Fellow

2000: Michigan State University - G. Malcolm Trout Visiting Scholar

2001: Japan Food Machinery Manufacturing Association - Grand Prix Award - 2001, 2008

2001: IUFoST, International Union of Food Science and Technology - Fellow

2003: Food Engineering Magazine - Food Engineering Hall of Fame

2003: University of Otago, New Zealand - William Evans Visiting Fellow

2007: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers - Kishida International Award

2008: National Academy of Engineering - Memberr

2009: Michigan State University College of Engineering - Distinguished Alumni Award

2010: Institute of Food Technologists - Nicholas Appert Award

2011: International Association of Engineering and Food - Lifetime Achievement Award

2011: The Ohio State University - Harris Award

2013: University of California College of Engineering - Distinguished Research Award

2013: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers - Massey Ferguson Education Award

2018: University of Guelph - Honorary Doctor of Science Degree

2020: New Zealand University of Otago - Harraways 1867 Visiting Professor