Diane M. Barrett, Ph.D.
Position Title
Cooperative Extension Specialist Emeritus
Food Science and Technology
Food Science (1992-2016)
Dr. Barrett retired in July of 2016.
Ph. D. Cornell University, 1989
M.S. Food Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1980
B.S. Food Science, University of California, Davis, 1978
Dr. Barrett’s research program addressed the effects of raw material quality and processing on color, flavor, texture and nutritional quality of fruit and vegetable products, with particular emphasis on enzyme-catalyzed reactions which result in qualitative losses. Specific enzymes studied included polyphenol oxidase, lipoxygenase, pectin methylesterase, polygalacturonase, peroxidase and hydroperoxide lyase. Handling and processing technologies of interest included fresh-cut processing, canning, freezing, irradiation, high pressure and aseptic processing. She also directed the Center for Advanced Processing & Packaging.
Extension of Knowledge Activities
Dr. Barrett interacted closely with the fruit and vegetable processing industry of California. She was a technical liaison to the California League of Food Processors, Institute of Food Technologists, Food Products Association, American Frozen Food Institute, Canned Food Alliance and other industry associations, as well as commodity and advisory boards, appropriate state and federal government personnel, and both farm and home advisors. She carried out research and conducted extension courses for the fruit and vegetable processing industry. Extension courses included the Advanced Process Technologies Course, Better Process Control School, Freezing Technology Workshop, Juice Processing Course, Tomato Processing School, Fresh-Cut Products Workshop and Aseptic Processing & Packaging Workshop.
Here is a complete listing of refereed publications for Dr. Barrett's Lab.